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4-27-2012 3:36:47 PM

The Project Reclaim Youth Leadership Institute operates with the goal of helping our youth develop and demonstrate positive leadership skills in their homes, schools and in the community. Utilizing leadership training, socialization/life skills workshops and accompanying visits to area institutions of higher education, the goal of the program is: to improve the resiliency skills and self-concept of the involved participants, so as to help them create a perspective and obtain the motivation to become role models, to remain in school and to become and remain successful contributors to society.

A very critical part of their leadership training involves service learning, as the youth are required to devise and implement (with adult support) projects designed to enhance the quality of life in Minden. This character building approach will assist them in developing a sense of “connection" to the community, with the goal of assisting them in not only increasing their self-worth through volunteerism, but helping them to feel a part of the community. It is felt that once they feel that they are a part of the community, they will see the importance of continuing to be a contributor to the community.