
Your hard work, devotion, and commitment to children in our community is unsurpassed. You are among an elite few who go above and beyond in bringing hope to children. Your dedication of your talents and time to these children and families not only benefit those you serve, but society as a whole.

Kathy Mitton and Candy Beaird
Event Chair/Co Chair

Ron brought us out of our cerebral and into our emotional mind frame. After you left many folks came up to me to tell me how much your presentation touched them personally.

Billie C. Trip
Program Coordinator
Anderson’s inspiring and motivating speeches, seminars, and consulting services are designed to enhance the performance of students, parents, educators, service providers, and employees.

Targeting the Topics that Matter
Optimal Potential  •  Ethics  •  Customer Service

Ron is a public speaker and professional development facilitator who has been described as mesmerizing, dynamic, inspirational, and life-changing. Using his unique life experiences, enthusiasm, humor and storytelling abilities, he is known to bring audiences both to tears and to their feet. His wealth of experience and ability to reach all audiences creates a motivational experience that you won’t forget.

Ron presents workshops and speaks throughout the nation to assist in the development and growth of youth, employees and volunteers of agencies, companies, and organizations.

As a teen, I was told that I'd never grow up to be successful in life because of my personal challenges: where I'm from... what I faced.

They said that I was destined for failure... self-destruction... prison.