
There were many comments from the participants on how much they enjoyed your session. It was listed as powerful, excellent, inspirational, moving, and dynamic!

Billie C. Trip
Program Coordinator

There were many comments from the participants on how much they enjoyed your session. It was listed as powerful, excellent, inspirational, moving, and dynamic!

Billie C. Trip
Program Coordinator

Program Information Business: Professional Skills Development

Effective workers in today's job market possess a wide range of professional skills that allow them to acheive their maximum potential when working with customers, co-workers, and superiors. Click on the "more information" icon to the right for a full list of the professional development topics available.

Relationships: The Power of Connections

Beyond our technology, a critical need exists for individuals to focus on their interactions and relationships. This workshop focuses on the power of human connections. After all, life is all about relationships!

Service Perspective: Why We Serve

My most requested presentation. It is critical that educators and other service professionals re-focus on the majesty of service, and the impact of our caring on others. After all, only the good we do for others will last.

21st Century Leadership

Managers and others in the workforce must develop leadership styles that motivate, inspire and direct. High-performing teams are the result!

"The Privilege of Education"

Our youth must come to realize that living in America is a privilege...something wonderful that they have been given...and they didn't ask for it! The privilege to become educated is the equal opportunity provider. As Epictetus said: "Only the educated are free."

Self Image/Self Esteem

Teenagers are in a developmental stage that hinges on what will other people (peers) think. This workshop for teens will help them learn strategies to improve their own sense of self-worth, while developing goals for themselves.

Attitude, Behavior and Consequences

It has been said that the only true disability in life is a bad attitude. This session for youth is designed to help them assess their attitudes, and to focus on how attitude influences behavior and how behavior leads to consequences.

Program Information Raising Winners! (Effective Parenting)

The toughest job of all is parenting. These sessions help parents develop and enhance their parenting strategies, with particular emphasis on parents modeling, teaching and establishing rules and boundaries for their children.

Optimal Potential for Youth

This workshop is designed to assist youth in developing the attitudes necessary to begin striving to be their best!